Media Reports on Hearing Loops

AudioInfos Canada

The November - December 2012 edition of AudioInfos Canada has a Focus article entitled Systems enhance listening in public spaces. The bulk of the article focuses on audio / hearing loop systems and includes a section on Better Hearing Solutions. Please find the link to the article at the bottom of this page. Enjoy the read!

Webinar: Telecoils in Hearing Devices

Follow the link below to see and listen to a Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA) webinar by Linda Kozma_Spytek, Research Audiologist, Technology Access Program, Gallaudet University, Washington, DC, USA. Recorded 20Oct2010.

It's a good explanation of telecoils in hearing aids and how they can be used in day to day living. Watch the webinar video and learn how to use your hearing aid for more ...

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